Tapestry of Unity and Light

In the stillness of the dawn,
whispers the breeze,
A dance of leaves,
a serene ease.

Mountains echo in silent grace,
A world awakened,
in time's embrace.

In the web of life,
each soul's cry we heed,
Feeling the pulse of those in need.
Shadows may loom in the mind's vast sea,
Yet hope glimmers when actions set it free.

in the tapestry of fate we're sewn, Our deeds,
the seeds of kindness sown.
In every heart,
a light to ignite,
Guiding through darkness,
towards the bright.

Through the shards,
a truth emerges,
bold and freeing,
In our authentic selves,
we find true being.
No more shadows to obscure our light,
In vulnerability, we find our might.

The alchemic transformation,
profound and deep,
Awakens the soul from its fearful sleep.
In every broken piece, a lesson gleaned,
In every crack, the light is seen.

In the dance of waves,
in the still of particles,
Echoes the song of a unified heart's articles.
Gazing deeply, soul to soul, eye to eye,
In this shared dream of love, our spirits fly.

Across the cosmos,
a whisper of unity spreads,
In each act of kindness,
love's tapestry threads.
May consciousness rise,
in harmony and grace,
In every smile,
in every embrace.


Tapestry of Unity and Light © 2024 by Yoso [Yoso.one] is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
For Prints, Publications, Commissions and Enquiries, Please Contact Yoso

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